Seoul Searchin'
UPDATE FROM SOUTH KOREAWednesday, December 28, 2006
On Wednesday, we rode the subway into the city of Seoul and did some Seoul-searching. Ben, Shane, Jason, and Britt went early in the morning to explore the Electronics Mart. Becca, Micah, and I went up around lunchtime to join them. The subway ride there was very culturally interesting.
At first, we didn't have a seat, but a nice lady let Becca have her seat when she saw her carrying Micah on her front-pack. As Americans, we get a fair amount of staring and general attention most of the time. When you throw in a Caucasian blue-eyed baby, we get even more attention, especially from old Korean ladies. Becca had to feed Micah while we were on the subway, and this Korean woman next to her tried several times to tell her how to do it. Becca was covered with a blanket, which I am sure many on the subway appreciated her modesty, and the Korean woman next to her told her to take the blanket off because the baby couldn't breathe. She even reached over to take the blanket off of Becca, and Becca had to pull out her smack-down face, grab the blanket to keep it on, and insist that Micah was just fine. Keep in mind that we have never met this person before, and she's trying to expose Becca in front of a subway car rather full of people. Micah was, however, getting warm, so Becca and I pulled his pant legs up so he could have a bit of ventillation. The Korean woman reached over and tried to pull his pant legs back down, I assume because she thought he was cold or that we were being negligent. Becca and I both pulled out our smack-down faces and said (with motions) that he was hot. The Korean lady finally stopped making unreasonable suggestions and became content just watching and making cooing noises at Micah.
There were other interesting things that happened on the subway. Several beggars came through during our ride, asking for money, sometimes playing music on an instrument or a small radio. There were also salesmen that walked through, selling items like earmuffs, scarves, gloves, toothbrushes, battery-operated razors, and even band-aids. I actually saw some people purchase from them, so it mus be a viable economic option of some kind.
Becca and I made it into Seoul at the Yongsan station, which is really big and looks like this:

After lunch, we walked around the shops a bit. I found a store named after me!!!

Then, we braved the subway journey home. It was so crowded on the subway that we all stood the whole way home (over an hour). Poor Becca was carrying Micah and standing most of that time, so she got a bit tired. Britt finally releived her and carried him the rest of the way.
We took a taxi back to the apartment, made chicken for dinner, and the boys went downstairs for the men's fraternity meeting. Becca, Shane, Micah, and I chilled out in the apartment with some Allison Kraus dvd viewing and put our feet up. We ended the evening with...Signs, the alien/faith in God movie, then had a much-needed night of sleep.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
We got up early on Thursday and headed back into Seoul via the subway. The boys had some interesting head happenings on the train:

Seoul is really interesting. In most American cities, the tallest buildings are offices and companies. In Seoul, the apartment buildings are just as tall, if not taller, than the businesses. And since the tallest building in Seoul is only 63 stories, you can imagine that there just aren't that many skyscrapers there. Donal Trump has some Trumpworld towers in Seoul. At least two sets, that I was able to see.

After recharging with some chocolate ice cream, we boarded the subway again and headed toward home. Becca and Britt were able to get seats, which was good so that they could hold Micah and Becca could feed him again.
We picked up our really awesome tailor-made shirts at the shop and then walked over to Britt and Becca's favorite Bulgoki restaurant. The owner and his wife know Britt and Becca really well, so it was really a great experience. He called himself grandfather (in Korean) and whisked Micah away when he started to get fussy.

We made a stop at the Coffee Tree, and kept ourselves warm with our excellent coffee on the cold walk home.
We ended the evening with two more episodes of Arrested Development, the we all crashed after a very busy day.
I promised to write about my Korean potty-time adventures, but this blog post is getting really long, so I will save it for tomorrow. I know you're disappointed, but a girl can only do so much.
Until next time...sugo hasaeo! (Keep working hard!)
Hi Gina,
Thanks for the post. We've been wondering how things have been since Jason and Shane joined you. Sounds like you are having a great time. Please give our love to everyone!
Barb (Jason's Mom)
Oh My GOSH!! Best post ever! I love the invasive Korean woman on the subway. And I can't believe all the fascinating things you are doing. It all sounds very well-planned. I am digging the many photos, and I can't wait to SCRAP them with you.
Welcome to the blog, Barb (Jason's mom)! I am trying to convince Shane and Jason that they need to post on their own sites for the rest of their trip, but we will see how that goes. We are going to the DMZ tomorrow, so hopefully I will be able to put some good stuff on the blog tomorrow night.
I welcome your offer to help scrap my pics, Emma. I will probably need a new scrapbook, too!!!
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