A Korean Christmas
UPDATE FROM SOUTH KOREASaturday, December 24, 2005
The morning of Christmas Eve was full of preparations for our big Hospitality House Christmas dinner! Hams were smoking, turkeys were baking, and green stuff was congealing in the fridge. If you don't know what green stuff is, I feel very sorry for you, just know it is one of the favorite Mooney desserts. If you have the opportunity to try it one day, you will be a blessed person.
Everyone came over about noon and we started eating once the feast was prepared. When I say feast, I mean FEAST! Turkey, dressing, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, broccoli casserole, rolls, strawberries, salad, green stuff, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, brownies, pumpkin pie, and probably twenty other things I can't think of at the moment. There were about 60-70 peole there. We had a great time!
Our Christmas FEAST!

There were many other special music presentations, Christmas carols, communion, and the classic pass-the-light-of-the-world candlelight ending with the little paper wax-catchers. The service was really more like a Lutheran or Methodist service. We did the kind of communion where you walk up, get a wafer, dip it in the cup, and eat the soggy wafer on the way back to your seat. We also did several responsive readings and scripture "lessons," so it was pretty liturgical. It was also really warm in there, which you know I like, but I got kind of drowsy. I was glad there were special music groups to keep us entertained.
When we left chapel, we had to walk all the way home, and now it was about 10 degrees. We all had trouble feeling our faces and talking without slurring by the time we got home. It was super-duper cold. We (Ben and I) realized about halfway through the chapel service that we had forgotten to eat dinner. We are sleeping pretty well at night and seem to be adjusted to the time change, but we still kind of get confused about eating times. I don't realize it's time to eat until way too late and my stomach says, "Hey, what about me?!?" Anywho, we got home and ate some long-awaited leftover pizza, watched some more Arrested Development, and went to bed.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas!!1!l!1l!
We took it pretty easy on Christmas morning. We spent a lot of time on the phone talking to the Deatons (Ben's family), the Mooneys (my family), and the Schneiders (Becca's family). After spreading our Christmas wishes around the globe, we opened some presents. Well, I say "we," but I really mean Becca, Britt, and Micah. You can guess who got the most presents. Ben and I didn't actually have anything to open on Christmas day. We got each other the trip to Korea, and Britt and Becca are getting us our tailor-made Korean shirts for Christmas. It wasn't a big deal not to have anything to open, just a bit weird. Didn't really feel like Christmas. We both kept saying over the last couple of days that it didn't feel like it was really Christmas. I don't really know why. Maybe just being halfway around the world and away from most of our family and friends is part of it. I don't know. But we are glad to be here! Okay, enough rambling. Time for what you really came here to see: pictures!!!

The walk to base and then to the chapel was really cold- about 15 degrees- and we were cold all the way through by the time we got to the chapel. The chapel service we went to was the more contemporary one with a praise band and power point slides and all that jazz. After the service, we went to Checkertales, a burger joint similar to Johnny Rockits. Many people from the chapel joined us, including several people we had already met at the Hospitality House. After hanging out and eating some good food, we took a taxi to the gate, got signed off, and Becca, Micah, and I rode with Kenny and Nicole home because it was- you guessed it- super duper cold! Ben and Britt braved the elements, allowing the gentler gender to enjoy the engine-induced heat. Oh, yeah.
We got a few Arrested Developments in before bedtime, naturally. Thus ends our Korean Christmas adventures!
Coming soon...Micah's hair adventures.
Can't wait for the next installment!
we are staying as tuned in to your blog as you are to Arrested Development!!! which, by the way, I got eric season 2 for Christmas, so we will probably be finished by the time you get back as well!!
merry christmas!! yea...i'm a little nervous about the "green stuff" but maybe we can have a taste when you come back;o) oh...there is something about being abroad during holidays that makes you realize how they are both normal and special at the same time...congrats on joinging the "unique perspective" club;o)
Green stuff is nothing to be nervous about...it is breathtakingly wonderful. Fret not, Pamela!
Seriously, though, I will make it for you guys sometime after we get back.
Mmm. I love food! Micah is absolutely adorable. I can't get over how photogenic he is. He is just stinkin cute! I can't wait for y'all to bring back the AD dvds, I'm feeling like I'm behind. I need to catch up with an AD marathon. I can't wait to hear more. And I'll try anything, so bring on the Green Stuff!
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