Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Back to the Future, Part II

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have already lived through the day and night of Tuesday, 12/20/05. This is why I call my series of Korea posts "Back to the Future." I am 14 hours ahead of you. So, right now it is 9am on Wednesday in Korea, but a mere 7pm on Tuesday for you.
So if you want to know how the day ahead of you is going to go, just ask, and I'll be happy to tell you. Tuesday was a good day.

Ben and I got some really good sleep on Monday night and woke up feeling great. After some rest and e-mail checking, I went to the gym with Britt and had a good workout and stretching session. Ben hung out with Becca and Micah at home while Britt and I walked the streets of Songtan. I really enjoy walking in cities, but it's so cold here. Korean people dress funny in the cold, too. They usually wear heavy coats, but then instead of a scarf they wear medical masks over their mouths. The idea is that the air will be warmer going into their lungs if they wear the mask. Apparently they think cold air is really bad for you, which doesn't really make sense because their climate is super cold and they are surviving just fine.

After our invigorating workout, we ate lunch, got ready, and visited Britt's school in Pyongtaek. They were supposed to have three days of school this week, but didn't because the heater in the school was broken. This provided a bit of a cold tour. It's a really neat building, though. There are a total of five floors that house grades K-12. All of the teachers know each other and most of the kids. It seems to be a really close community, which is cool.

The school from the outside...

The school is in the middle of a huge rice pattie. I just think that's funny.

Some artwork done by students. Recognize the idiot in the middle?

Britt pretending to work at his desk...

...being watched over by his Jesus
bobble- head doll.

A picture of the gym using only the flash since the lights wouldn't work. I thought it turned out cool. A bit creepy, but cool.

It's cold in here with no heat!!!

Ben layin' down the law over the school intercom system.
Wat up, home cheeses?

We came back to the apartment, I worked on my gi-normous blog post, and then we all had some fun plans for the evening. Britt, Ben, and Micah went to a men's Bible study meeting at a Thai restaurant close by. Becca and I went to a women's Bible study meeting at the house of Nicole and Kenny. Kenny is stationed at the Osan military base, and Nicole is his wife, who also works at Britt's school. There were eight of us there, most of which are either in the military or are military wives. It was a blessing to meet with other women and be able to see God working on the same things with all of us, even though I live halfway around the world. Most of you who know me well know that I really enjoy women's ministry, so this was right up my alley. It amazes me how similar our experiences are.

We came home so Becca could feed Micah, and Ben and I realized something important at about 10pm: Yesterday was our anniversary! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we both neglected to realize yesterday that it was our three-year anniversary. We were so confused by the jetlag that we both were completely oblivious. We shared a celebratory hug and got in bed and...we were out like three strikes. Oh, well.
Happy anniversary, us!


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