Wednesday, January 11, 2006

We really did go back in time...over a week ago...

Okay, so my original plan to blog soon after we got home from Korea...didn't happen. Duh, as Ewic would say.
We really did go back in time. Technically, we were on January 2 for about 48 hours. Purty cool...purty rough.

Anyway, our trip home went pretty well. LAX treated us nicer than Hartsfield did, fo' shizzle. I was ready for the worst. We did get delayed in LA for an hour because of bad weather on both coasts. Everyone there was super-nice and really friendly, though. We asked this one guy for directions, and he said, "How did you get such a pretty lady to agree to marry you?" When we continued to ask our directions question, he said, "You didn't answer my question. I'll tell you how to get where you want to go when you answer my question." It was funny.
We didn't get first-class seats on the way back, and it really made me appreciate what happened to us on the way over. Lemme tell ya.

Other than that, things are pretty good. I am still not sure what to do with my career life, but I am just exploring options right now and praying for some direction. And the past week and a half has kicked my tail in a major way. Consider that I have been severely jetlagged and had to deal with my 120 12-year olds again that are becoming more like seventh-graders. Too much for one week, "methinks." There is a reason I don't teach seventh grade. This semester is it. I know what they start to turn into...and I don't like it. One time, one of my kids asked if I could move up to 7th with them next year. I said, "I love you guys right now, but next year, you are going to turn into 7th-graders, and I won't like you then. Trust me, you'll look back and not really like yourself, either." They were a bit hurt and insist they won't be like that, but oh, yes, they will.
There is this angel figurine in the teacher's bathroom that someone made, and it says, "Teachers at (name of my school) are truely angles." Inspiring. Makes me feel better about my job.
We found out today that we get a 4% pay increase next year. That's a good thing for anyone who is staying in the school system. Don't know if that will be me or not...

And I am sorry for not keeping up with blogging this week. I missed it, but it's hard to do when you are falling asleep around 8 or 9PM each evening uncontrollably. A lot of interesting posts on my buddies' blogs, though- highly recommend checking those out. I also HIGHLY recommend the brand spankin' gi-normous batch of pictures my brother, Derek, posted on his blog of his kiddies. Tres-super-cool (with French accent).


At 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome back gina!


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