In Enemy Territory...Almost...
UPDATE FROM SOUTH KOREASunday, January 1, 2006
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Even though most Koreans don't really celebrate our American New Year, I want to wish you a happy one from South Korea.
Ben, Shane, Jason, and I brought in the New Year by visiting the DMZ today. We got up a bit earlier than normal, got ready, and took a taxi to the Songtan subway station. We had seats the whole way into Seoul, which was great. We had to transfer twice to get to Itaewon, where our DMZ tour began. While we were on our last leg of the subway ride, we were actually the only ones in our subway car, except for two Koreans all the way at the other end. This was quite abnormal, as it has been moderately crowded on the subway every time we have ridden it.

We walked briskly out of the subway and found the nearest Burger King so we could grab a quick lunch before our tour began. As we were waiting to cross the street to get to said BK, we took a look at our surroundings. I would say that only 50% of the people I saw on the street were actually Korean (maybe less). In fact, a rather belligerent pair of people in front of us on the crosswalk were speaking language I would expect to hear on an urban streetcorner in the states. It really didn't feel like we were smack in the middle of Korea at that moment, for sure.
We assembled our BK to-go, then met up with our tour guide in the lobby of the Hamilton Hotel in Itaewon, which is part of Seoul. Our guide's name was Choi, and when I was making sure I pronounced it correctly, she said, "Like Taster's Choice." I thought that was funny. Not just like "choice," but "Taster's Choice." teehee. I didn't forget her name, though! Maybe that was the reason she picked a mediocre coffee brand to help people pronounce her name correctly.
We got in our van to drive toward the DMZ, and found out we were the only four on today's tour. It was kind of nice, though, since we got to ask a lot of questions and be more comfortable. While we drove the hour-long trip, we ate our BK lunch, talked a lot, saw Korea get colder and colder, and heard some interesting information from our tour guide. One thing she showed us on the way particularly stuck out to me. In the 80s, Koreans used this one large area as a garbage dump. They decided to turn it into something a bit nicer when the Olympics came to Seoul, so they basically covered it up with a bunch of dirt and put a big park and golf course on top of it. So, it's this huge man-made hill covering a mound of old garbage. Kind of weird, if you think about it. But, the mound is still releasing methane gas, which provides the electricity for nearby apartment complexes. Can you imagine? "Yeah, the lights went off again. Guess the garbage dump wasn't decomposing enough today."
We went as far north in South Korea as you can get and stopped at a place called Paju Park. It's kind of the starting point for people wanting to tour the DMZ. The Freedom Bridge is there, as well as several Korean War memorials. What is strange is that they've turned it into a little carnival area. There were kids riding on these carnival rides, in the dead of winter, in the middle of a park that commemorates the Korean War and a very divided nation. It just seemed a but juxtaposed to me.

After hopping back on the bus, we drove over to the Dora Observatory, where you can get a scenic view of the DMZ. The Demilitarized Zone was basically the cease-fire agreement made between North and South Korea. They agreed to draw a line between the two, with a 2 km buffer on each side. So, essentially, the DMZ is a 4km-wide band running from the east side of Korea to the west that has gone untouched by man for over 50 years. As you might imagine, it's quite packed with wildlife and vegetation. Unfortunately for us, we weren't able to see any of it today, even from the Dora Observatory. It is cold, so everything is brown, and it was snowy today, so visibility was very limited. I would guess we could see maybe 100 feet into the DMZ, but the parts we did see were really cool.
Next, we went to the Dorasan Station, which was built just in 2002 by South Korea. It is the northernmost subway station in South Korea. This is an amazing effort by South Korea for reunification. They are incredibly hopeful that the two parts of Korea will reunite someday soon. I asked Choi, "Do you think it will really happen?" She said, "Oh, yes, definitely within my lifetime." I think it shows amazing grace and forgiveness of the people of South Korea to actually want to reunite with a communist nation that wanted to just control them for a really long time. In an effort to show goodwill and a desire to unify, South Korea built the Dorasan station as far north as they could. One day, when they do unify, Koreans will be able to travel by train all the way into China and the European continent. Now, they have to take a plane or ferry to get into China or Russia. The Dorasan station was built using the funds of South Koreans who had some kind of tie to North Korea, whether they lived there before or still had family there.
Our DMZ trip was pretty much over after that. We made a quick stop at the Reunification Village, which was also settled as far north as possible, and we found out that our own Jimmy Carter helped to build some of the housing in that town. We went back to Paju Park, got on our van with our tour guide, and made our way back to Seoul. After an adventurous meandering through the Seoul Station, we got on our subway train toward our Korean home...Songtan.
We decided to end our trip with an old faithful dining experience...Happy Teriyaki! It didn't let us down. I left the restaurant guessed it! Happy. We came back to the apartment, packed our lives into suitcases, and went to bed.
In just about an hour, Ben and I will be on a bus toward Incheon National Airport and we'll begin the 24-hour travel back in time toward Atlanta. We make one stop in LA, so wish us luck with the worst airport in America.
Next time on "Korean Days with Gina," we travel back in time!!!
Wait, did Gina just claim Jimmy Carter?
Happy New Year...Welcome Home!
Hi Gina,
Thanks for all of your updates. It's made us feel a part of the trip. We'll be praying for safe travel for you and Ben.
God bless,
Hope you guys have a good trip back! LAX isn't that bad, at least Jess and I didn't have any trouble. I look forward to talking to you guys again soon!
Correction, "Georgia's own Jimmy Carter." Such a fatal typo on my!!!
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