God isn't enough?11?l?!(0!)
During my unfortunate battle with the common cold this week, I have been reading A New Kind of Christian and The Story We Find Ourselves In by Brian McLaren. The thing I have appreciated most about these books is its ability to challenge every lens and predisposition I have when I approach God, the Bible, and Christianity. God has really been opening my eyes to show me how much of my views are skewed by modern evangelical and conservative upbringing. Don't get me wrong--my modern evangelical conservative upbringing gave me much that I hold dear, including the ability to question it. "Momma always said" I should seek out the truth for myself, and I am thankful for that lesson.One thing that seems ingrained in me because of said upbringing is the concept of "God is all we need." While I do believe that all we have, need, and will ever know is wrapped up, from, and for Him, God has not just given us Himself. Even when we were created, God wasn't all that man needed. God created the world, animals, and finally, man, and yet, he wasn't finished.
From Genesis chapter 2--emphasis mine
18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone [but he wasn't alone--he had God, right?]. I will make a helper suitable for him."
19 Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field.
But for Adam no suitable helper was found [even though Adam had God]. 21 So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
23 The man said,
"This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called 'woman,'
for she was taken out of man."

"There's one other surprising thing that the second creation story in Genesis suggests to me. It's something shocking, maybe put best when it's put in a way that borders on heresy: God is not enough, the story says. That has nothing to do with any deficiency in God; it has to do with the storyline God had in mind for us. God doesn't want to be the only reality in our lives, the only relationship in our network, the only message on our screen. In the story we find ourselves in, God wants us to name the giraffe, and laugh as it reaches the tall, tall branches...Noticing and naming and enjoying our fellow creatures...is part of why we're here...This is the story we find ourselves in, isn't it? Caught between two dangers: a hyper-spiritual danger that says, 'It is good enough for human beings to be alone, so all they need is God,' and a hypersecular danger that says, 'It is good enough for human beings to be with the other created beings; forget about the Supreme being from whom all being and blessing flow.' Neither of those options is good enough. The only viable option in our story is for us human beings to enjoy the company both of our Creator and of our fellow creatures...in whom we find a lost part of ourselves restored again...The story is telling us that we were designed to be incomplete and unfulfilled in ourselves as monads, as isolated individuals. We feel an ache in our side, like some part of us is missing, so that we'll always be looking outside ourselves for belonging and connection, for it is not good for a person to be alone--not in this story! And so in this story we live in a garden, with all the creatures around us, and we walk with God in the cool of the day."
A bit long of a quote, but he says it much better than I can. This idea rang true in me, as I have come to appreciate greatly the intimate connection between people. I just wanted to say, to those of you who call to check on me, who challenge me, who question me, who encourage me, and who deeply love me, thank you for being God's creation fulfillment in my life. God created us to need each other. You are priceless treasures!!!
Kind of makes me wonder what heaven will really be like... I was just thinking the other day about how we love to get together with our family and friends and chat, debate, explore, learn, and grow. It hit me that all of that won't necessarily stop when we get to heaven. Pastor Pat does a great job of emphasizing how we experience part of heaven here on earth when we realize that "the kingdom of God has come near." We like to think about how heaven will be so different, but do we often think about the ways in which it will be the same? Many of the greatest joys, I think, will continue to be felt. God made us for community, and that eternity will be spent in communion together, basking in the full glory of God. Pretty darn neat.
"...I need yooou like water, like breath, like rain"--er, sorry; I got a little carried away. Awesome quote. I think I realize this more when after visiting with a friend, spending time with nature, or slowing down enough to hear the wind whisper in my ears; my soul is "well." It's true, we need each other. As Stacy and John (Eldridge) would say, 'beauty is developed by God when we share who we are with others.'
well to answer your peaked curiousity . . . its a secret plan i'm planning on planning soon. i've got jack bauer stuff going on in my veins and i'm trying to find a creative outlet for it. so climbing a billboard seems like a good place to start.
and sorry we missed lunch the other day. i hope you're feeling better though. we'll have to reschedule whenever you guys get a chance. so just let us know.
Yes! Our friendship finally makes sense! I need you, too, dear friend!!!!1111!!
Acronym for Junior Bacon Fry Churger [burger]
Thanks, everyone, for the comments, and you're all right...the way God has made us is really "pretty darn neat."
If it is true that God created us in His image (and it is!), then we are infinite beings who long for relationship with other infinite beings, since God, through the Trinity, is a fully self-fulfilling relationship with Himself. Who are the other infinite beings we can have relationships with? God, of course, and also other people.
Which is why the two greatest commandments are: Love God. Love others.
Of course, it all comes from God. The fact that His desire is to provide some things we need through others is only evidence of his mercy, his love and his wisdom. And the awesomeness of His plan.
We were created to also have an eternal relationship with other infinite beings, where we can fully know and be known, which is why close, intimate friendships among believers is so fulfilling ... why they will know we are His disciples because of the love we have for each other ... why His love is made complete in our love for each other.
And that is why in this cursed world, we must grieve when people leave or die. We weren't created to be separated. We were created for eternal relationship.
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