Saying Goodbye...

Pretoria - A young American who was undergoing Christian missionary training in Pretoria was brutally murdered over the weekend, a mere four weeks after arriving in the country.
His best friend, Eric Jones, found the body of Eddie Rector, 24, on Saturday.
Both are from Suwanee, Georgia.
Rector was murdered on Friday night or in the early hours of Saturday morning.
Flaps van der Merwe, director of 13th Floor, said Rector was working or sending e-mails from the centre's computer room when robbers overpowered him.
"They beat him and stabbed him in the back with a knife. The robbers also broke his jaw.
"He was also hit on the head with a heavy object. This probably caused his death."
The robbers made off with two computers.
A post-mortem will be performed on Monday to determine the exact cause of Rector's death.
"As soon as the investigation is complete, his body will be flown back to his home town.
"Eric broke the news to Eddie's parents (Ed and Dee Rector) before I spoke to them. When I spoke to them on Saturday evening, they were very shocked and asked that we pray for them."
He said Rector was passionate about the arts.
"He was a professional actor and wanted to make a difference to the lives of young people through his art.
"He was very excited about being in South Africa."
My brother sent pictures of my new nephew last night, and I just can't wait to get them out for everyone to see!
Let's just say that, once again, the Mooney genes have produced a very adorable progeny.
Hey, at least we're reliable!

My brother in Korea, Britt, and his wife Becca had their baby on September 16. Here is what Britt said about the little guy in his announcement e-mail.
"Micah Patrick was born yesterday at 12:48pm on Sept16, 2005. He was 4.5 kg, which is almost 10 lbs (9 pounds 14+ ounces). Becca went into labor officially around 2am.
More details to come, but he's awesome, very responsive, opens his eyes frequently, and is already raising his head like a champ. He's strong and a great baby already. What a blessing.
So we're home, he's sleeping in his bassinet as we speak and cute as can be. I think he looks a little like my Uncle Vick ... not when my Uncle Vick was little ... but now that he's in his 60's."
That last part was my favorite. If you know my Uncle Vick, this would be a very funny comment. I don't really have any digital pictures of Uncle Vick, but I will try to scan something in and we'll take a poll. I don't have any pictures of Micah yet either, so we'll save that for another post.
The fact that my brother and sister-in-law produced offspring is very exciting for several reasons.
1) We get to go see him over Christmas- Micah has been the reason that is finally getting us out there to see Korea!
2) A baby makes my mom very happy. And everyone knows that when mom is happy, everyone is happy.
3) As with my niece and nephew being born in the past, having babies around keeps my baby fever from spiking too high. When I can spend a few hours with my niece and nephews and be completely happy to return them to their parents, it is a cure for any desire I may have been feeling to have offspring of my own.
4) My family (the Mooneys) have been very successful at producing cute children.
Consider exhibit A:

McKenna, daughter of my brother, Derek, during a very cute "snow bunny" day.
Exhibit B:

My nephew, Jeremiah, son of my brother, Derek, a month into his very cute life.
The evidence proves the conclusion. (There is more evidence on McKenna and Jeremiah's website.)
So welcome, little guy, and we are so excited to meet you soon!
Need Your Vote!!!
I am starting up an a cappella group with my
sister, her
boyfriend, and another guy from Flowery Branch (Jon McLemore) who kind of headed up the whole thing. We have some name ideas, but need opinions from you- our adoring fans!
So, read, think, and then cast your vote by leaving a comment.
Thanks! :)
1) Georgia 400
2) Collared Greens
3) Synergy
4) Extreme Measures (or something else with Measures- can anyone think of something else?)
5) Less is McLemore
A Lighthearted Post for Once

Ben and me on vacation in Amelia Island, FL.

Shane (my sister) and me at the capital building
in Austin, TX. As with everything in Texas, it is
the biggest capital (by acreage) in the country.

Yes, Ben did actually finish his second degree (Master's).
No, he's still not done.
Yes, he is getting a doctorate as well.
Yes, I am his "sugar mama."

This is my new hair color- it's red!!!
At first, I thought it was a bit crazy, but now it's calmed down a bit and I really like it. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up, though- it gets really expensive!
Million-Dollar Disappointment
Yesterday, my husband and I watched Academy Award-winning blockbuster,
Million Dollar Baby. I had heard nothing but good things about it, and the rent was free, so what did we have to lose? I figured this was a feel-good, underdog-turns-champion kind of movie, and I needed that kind of a pick-me-up after a long week at school.
Why didn't somebody warn me? I don't know if nobody saw it or nobody wanted to give it away or if people just didn't think about mentioning it at all, but I am a bit surprised that my local community (of which there are many Christians) didn't seem to speak out about this sorely disappointing movie.
Let me first say that the movie, from a business, acting, and production standpoint, was very impressive. Clint Eastwood did an excellent job, as did Hillary Swank and Morgan Freeman.
Let me also say that if you don't want me to give away the ending, you'll need to skip to the next post.
Maggie (Swank), a young lady in her thirties from lower-class America, has a dream of being a boxer. Dunn (Eastwood), a much older man who is a professional boxing trainer, finally decides to train Maggie after months of her persistence. He trains her, gets her ready for the world championship against a merciless and violent opponent, and she is actually winning the fight. During a break between rounds, however, the opponent hits Maggie when she isn't looking and Maggie falls on a stool, breaking her neck and paralyzing her from there down. She can't even breathe without a respirator.
Maggie, in her desperation, asks Dunn to take her life since she can't do it herself. At first, he refuses, and a very naive part of me hopes that he will encourage her to live, help her become functional, and show the world that, yes, a paraplegic can contribute to society and lead a meaningful life.
But no, he disconnects her respirator, gives her a shot of adrenaline, and she dies. And the movie ends with him being some kind of "hero." No one explores the fact that it is 1) wrong and 2) illegal. He does go and get counseling from his "priest" (I put that in quotes because it was a very lame excuse for a religious leader character), but the "priest" tells him to "forget God and heaven." Now, that's advice you want to hear from your religious leader. "You're struggling with a very difficult ethical dilemma. Let me encourage you not to think about God and truth and the consequences of your actions. Only think about yourself."
This is the kind of movie that our society heralded as "Best Picture." I am not surprised by this, because spiritual death begets cultural death. I am disappointed at this unfortunate "celebration" of a person who gave up on overcoming their circumstances and another person who actively helped in the giving up. What about
Christopher Reeve? What about the many heroes daily who live with paralysis and do great things? Why can't we celebrate them?
I am also disappointed that, even in my Southern Baptist, Bible-belt world, there was not more outspoken response to a blatantly unethical film.
Thank God I didn't contribute a dollar to seeing this movie.