Sunday, August 21, 2005


My pastor of ten years, Dr. David Parker, is constantly saying things in his sermons that both challenge me greatly and greatly crack me up.
Ben and I lovingly call these "Parker-isms." I attribute these strange phrases and Parker-created words to growing up in Milan, GA, being a missionary in Zambia, and having a long history as a pastor that sometimes needs a bit of spice.
I have decided to devote my blog, in part, to recording these phrases, full of both God-honoring truth and side-splitting humor.

Now that I have established this purpose, let me share this morning's highlights.
1) In introducing an incredible passage from Colossians 3:12-17, Dr. Parker said, "This passage oozes with the spirit of God. If you squeeze them, you will get Holy Spirit juice."
2) In talking about theology passed down to him from his Aunt, he said, "A hard head makes for a soft hiney."
3) As he spoke of taking on the image of Christ and His holiness (I Peter 1:13-16), he said, "Dip your basting brush in the holiness of Jesus, spread it all over you, and then when the heat of life rises, you will be a good turkey for God."

The last one was my personal favorite. And a great topic for a sermon at Thanksgiving, by the way: "How to be a Good Turkey for God."


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