Monday, August 15, 2005

I'm a Survivor

So I survived my first week of this school year. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I really do teach 105 12-year olds every day and survive! And sometimes....I like it.
My kids crack me up. Their sense of humor is...not present. When I try to make a joke in class, they all look at each other like, "Are we supposed to laugh now, or will she write us a citation if we giggle at her joke?" Then, when they are working on individual work, they laugh at the weirdest things. Now, some of the things they laugh at are funny. For example, a student of mine does a very uncanny impression of a bobble head. Even I have to stop and laugh at that. But when I am correcting a student for poor behavior and they start giggling along with their fellow group members, I have to draw the line...and hope that they grow out of this soon.
Ah, the joys of education...


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