Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Dinner-time adventures

So don't you just love it when you are about to serve a yummy meal of shrimp Alfredo and your faucet explodes in your face (literally)?
Has this ever happened to anyone else? Anyone???
Okay, so I am about to serve a lovely culinary presentation of shrimp, pasta, veggies, and sauce to my wonderful husband and my fabulous friend Emma when I suddenly have the sensation of water being sprayed all over me. In my shocked state, I managed to realize that it was the faucet spraying me and promptly turned it off.
You have to know that we got this really cool faucet when we bought our house and you can actually grab the faucet itself, pull it out, and it double-functions as the sprayer.
Little did we know what a two-edged sword this faucet would be... (insert suspenseful music here)
Well, I guess somehow over the last year of living in our house and pulling the faucet/sprayer out over and over again, it managed to unscrew itself from the water line. So, the sprayer was in my hand with no water coming out, the water line was undone, so it of course dropped back into the sink, during the course of which it sprayed water both omni-directionally and with a great projectile force. I was soaked, our poor hardwood floors were splattered with water, and my poor dinner companions had soggy shrimp.
They were very gracious and complimentary in spite of the fiasco. I changed, we wiped up the water, screwed the faucet back on, and had a good, hearty laugh about the whole thing.
So if you see me checking my faucet/sprayer every five minutes when you come over to my house, now you will know why.


At 9:53 PM, Blogger ben said...

As an eyewitness to this soggy event, I can personally attest to the fact that we were wiping up water no less than 15 feet from the sink.

Definitely a moment when I found myself saying "huh"...

At 9:37 AM, Blogger Emmuh said...

As the only other eyewitness to this dinner party, my appetite was wetted when, throwing a paper towel away, my eyeball was splashed with water. I turned to my dinner companions, thinking "Did my friend just splash me in jest?" But her shocked face revealed that something was amiss. Her look was not unlike that of an infant when you blow gently into their face. It was truly a moment to laugh. And the dinner was still most enjoyable.

At 1:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard that there was a resulting flood, and that there was 1.3$ million in water damages to the Deatonoux estate and surrounding properties. Ok, not really.

Note: Ben told me to remind you that there's a get together on next Thursday at 6:30 in the FLC at church, for those who hosted tooneeshun students, to talk about experiences/reflect on stuff. Free pizza! Consider yourself remindededed, miss gina.


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